2024 P.A.R.C. Ham of the Year Bruce Morgenstern VE7LBM

The Campbell Mountain repeater now has a CTCSS tone of 123Hz and is  mandatory for transmit and optional for receive, IRLP is now available as well.

New power panel Installed at Campbell Mountain repeater site.

On April 8th, Bruce Morgenstern and Benoit Robert successfully implemented the new power panel at the Campbell Mountain site. With this installation completed, the site stands prepared for the subsequent reinstallation of the repeater, followed by the eventual integration of solar panels.

New power panel for the Campbell Mountain repeater site.

At the February meeting, Bruce Morgenstern demonstrated the functionality of the new power panel that he has graciously constructed for our Campbell Mountain repeater site. This panel is slated for installation at the site this upcoming spring. The design of the new panel facilitates improved power distribution, accommodates new batteries, and is prepared to support the integration of solar panels when the club decide to proceed with their installation.

Formal Sunday Net

The club holds a net every Sunday morning, 9:00 am on the Apex Mountain 146.92-MHz repeater with a minus 600 kHz offset and 123 Hz tone repeater. UHF Link 440.600 MHz with a 123 Hz tone. Visitor check-ins are always welcome!

Informal Chat and Nets

We have two informal nets. One on Tuesday and another on Thursday. Tuesdays on our IRLP repeater at 7:00PM. The Penticton IRLP frequency is 147.120 MHz with a plus 600 kHz offset and 123 Hz tone, use node 9002. The Thursday net will be held at 7:00PM on WIRES-X room 40678. There’s also an in-person meeting on Sunday at 10:00AM at Wendy’s in Penticton.

Ham Radio Buy and Sell

Have something to sell or looking for something to buy? Check out Ham Shack Canada

Club Jackets

You too can have a Penticton Amateur Radio Club Jacket. Complete with embroidered club emblem and your own call sign. A warm all season tough jacket good for all occasions. Just place your order with Sherwood Trophies
(250-492 4949), specify Jacket Canada Sportswear # L00907.

Club Meeting 

Club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Penticton Amateur Radio Club, 251 Dawson Avenue, Penticton, B.C. at 7:30PM. The club does not meet in July or August.

Christmas Party 2023 Photos

The Ham of The Year Award

The 2023 recipient of the Ham of The Year Award was Presented to Pat Pattison VE7JSX